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Class Profile



Imagine spending several hours everyday in a place where you felt like a nobody. What a powerful statement. As an educator my primary responsibilty is to ensure that no child ever feels like they are not worthy contributors in their classroom. It is important to me that each child in my classroom must feel a sense of belonging within the classroom. Learning to me is not simply the absorption of material by a student. It is scafolding of creative an enviroment that is centered around...... 


- Classroom layout

- A child centered class room

- positive behavior managment techniques

- mutual trust

- a safe learning enviroment

- cultural sentivity

and the ability to draw upon each students special talents.  

Physical Space:


Desks in Groups, with students facing each other. This helps stimulate student discussion. These groups are also very well suited for workstations for my students who have developed self monitoring skills. 

Display of student work and class-made posters help students develop a sense of belonging to the classroom.

Music in the Classroom: Music can be a great addition to any classroom. I use it as a reward or to create a positive mood. 

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